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Fusionize - 70 Prot/fury warrior

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Fusionize - 70 Prot/fury warrior Empty Fusionize - 70 Prot/fury warrior

Post  Fusion Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:00 am

1. Character name and lvl: Fusionize lvl 70

2. Class and Race: Warrior undead

3. IRL age and location? 17, turning 18 and I live in Sweden, Hudiksvall.

4. Talentbuild and Gear(Armory link/CTprofile): Im prot atm but got dps gear as well and wouldnt mind respecc if needed. Here is my armory link:

5. Former guild(s) and reason for leaving?. Im kinda new on the server, have been in Reïgn in Blood, we formed a new guild with Kalla Kårar but I didnt follow.

6. Why would you like to join Justified and what can you contribute with? I would like to join Justified because you have the same progress as I got exp and I want to work further in SSC/TK and start with BT/MH.

7. On what days can you raid? (19-23) and how many days a week do you intend to be raidactive?
I live alone so no one is charging over me, can always raid. Going to see my parents some weekend and getting home 19.30 some sundays only.

8. Is it a problem for you to farm Pots/Food Buffs/Flasks etc.? No

9. What kind of experience have you got, pre-tbc and in tbc. Full: Karazhan(warrior & shaman),gruuls lair, magtheridon. SSC: hydross and leotheras. TK:Al'ar and Void reaver. Outdoor: Doomwalker (from gruul and up only shaman)

10. Are you attuned to Karazhan, Mount Hyjal or Black Temple? If not, how far are you? Only karazhan

11. Have you got Ventrilo 3.0.0 and know how it works? Yes

12. Have you got a microphone that works? Yes, but it sounds abit fucked up when im talking.. going to buy a new when I got money.

12. Have you got any resistance gear we should know about? No I dont, got 1k gold to spend on it if needed tho :p

13. Tell us about yourself (occupation, school, interests etc.) Well, im 17 years old live in Hudiksvall, Sweden. I like to play wow and be with friends.

14. Can your character craft or make anything special (professions etc.) Im afraid not, im slacking alot in professions. Just started to skill up enchanting atleast.

15. Tell us a really funny joke ^^ I'll tell you one in the guild chat if I get in! Wink

16. Anything else you'd like to add? Nothing I can think of now :p


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Fusionize - 70 Prot/fury warrior Empty Re: Fusionize - 70 Prot/fury warrior

Post  fusion Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:41 am



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