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warrior dps/tank app

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warrior dps/tank app Empty warrior dps/tank app

Post  gobstopp Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:21 am

1. Character name and lvl:Gobstopper 70

2. Class and Race: Warrior orc

3. IRL age and location? 18, Belgium

4. Talentbuild and Gear(Armory link/CTprofile):

5. Former guild(s) and reason for leaving?. Genesis, became useless there long story short i have not been online for 2 long. so i got sort of replaced

6. Why would you like to join Justified and what can you contribute with? Because your not to far in raiding since i left arround when we cleared half tk and half ssc and half za, so this is more a guild for my lets say level; i can contribute with blacksmitting/fishing/cooking and ofcourse with tanking or dpssing, both gears are excelent; tanking gear = ZA with some t4 and dps gear on same level as t4

7. On what days can you raid? (19-23) and how many days a week do you intend to be raidactive?
on all days i can raid with exeption of friday; and exam periods etc
8. Is it a problem for you to farm Pots/Food Buffs/Flasks etc.?
9. What kind of experience have you got, pre-tbc and in tbc.
cleared up untill AQ40 pretbc and tbc i did tk/ssc and za almost cleared

10. Are you attuned to Karazhan, Mount Hyjal or Black Temple? If not, how far are you?
attuned to all of them
11. Have you got Ventrilo 3.0.0 and know how it works?
12. Have you got a microphone that works?
12. Have you got any resistance gear we should know about?
Arcane: 450+
Fire: 500+
Frost: 400+
Nature 380+
Shadow 180 (didnt start farming that yet :p)

13. Tell us about yourself (occupation, school, interests etc.)
Studying economics at the university, like playing games and stuff :-)

14. Can your character craft or make anything special (professions etc.)
Afraid most special patterns r bop, but since im exalted with all factions i can craft:
arcane rez gear, frost rez gear, nature rez gear (fully)

15. Tell us a really funny joke ^^
i own

16. Anything else you'd like to add?
Hoping to contribute
Thanks for reading


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warrior dps/tank app Empty fergot !

Post  Gobstopp Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:24 am

Fergot armor link: do /W me ingame to see my tanking or dps gear if armory is no use;


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warrior dps/tank app Empty ehem :p /fail

Post  gobstopp Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:36 am


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