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Riazor 70 Warrior

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Riazor 70 Warrior Empty Riazor 70 Warrior

Post  Riazor Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:32 am

1. Character name and lvl:
Riazor, 70

2. Class and Race:
Warrior, Tauren

3. IRL age and location?
17, Birmingham, England

4. Talentbuild and Gear(Armory link/CTprofile):
Atm my warrior is pvp Specced but i would consider for fury or for something like protection
because my warrior is in pvp gear atm my fury stats (as fury) are around 2.1k AP, 160 hit rating, 27% crit
As protection i have 12.9k HP, 495 Defence, and all avoidances above 15% as protection (cant remember the exact numbers Razz) but my protection gear is erm, not too great so to say

5. Former guild(s) and reason for leaving?.
On my rogue Unaffected: because they didnt raid for about 3 months and i got bored and left
B r e t h r e n: because i wanted a break from raiding

On my warrior: Game over: disbanded

6. Why would you like to join Justified and what can you contribute with?
I would like to join Justified as i've been told is a good upcoming guild with friendly members, and i can contribute a good active warrior with above 85% raid attendance in my former guilds and i can offer tactics for any fight up to Reliquary of souls in black temple

7. On what days can you raid? (19-23) and how many days a week do you intend to be raidactive?
All of them, however ill need to go afk on a sunday night around 20:30 till 21:00 for domestic issues

8. Is it a problem for you to farm Pots/Food Buffs/Flasks etc.?
Nope, been farming them for months in my previous guilds

9. What kind of experience have you got, pre-tbc and in tbc.
Up to Twin emperors pre tbc with Unaffected, Cleared naxxramas up to 4horsemen with brethren during TBC
In TBC ive cleared everything up to Reliquary of souls in black temple

10. Are you attuned to Karazhan, Mount Hyjal or Black Temple? If not, how far are you?
Only attuned to Karazhan on this char, but that doesnt matter next patch i guess

11. Have you got Ventrilo 3.0.0 and know how it works?

12. Have you got a microphone that works?

12. Have you got any resistance gear we should know about?
Nope, none currently but getting NR or FR gear shouldn't be too hard

13. Tell us about yourself
My name is Steve, i come from birmingham, england and i'm in 1st year of college, i study business, english, history and IT. Im a big football fan and have a season ticket for birmingham city, best team in the premiership ofc.

14. Can your character craft or make anything special (professions etc.)
er, only epic weapons for myself such as stunherald , im a weaponsmith specialised in maces

15. Tell us a really funny joke ^^
Whats 6ft 2" likes to chill, and goes blue white blue white blue white

a fridge in denim jacket falling down some stairs
(made me laugh anyway Sad)

16. [b]Anything else you'd like to add?
Nerzyl is gay


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Riazor 70 Warrior Empty Re: Riazor 70 Warrior

Post  Riazor Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:40 am

Forget to mention, if you want to talk with me ingame whisper either Drunknhoes or Chickenzor, should be on one of those over the weekend


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Riazor 70 Warrior Empty RE : Warrior

Post  Grantsback Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:14 am

Ye hey chickenzor not sure if u remember me but im grantsback , sezz inrl m8 we would love to have u coz I know ur raiding xp in tk /ssc/BT /MH but we r completely full on warriors . soz m8 but warriors r closed

Posts : 54
Join date : 2007-12-21


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