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Post  Grantsback Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:29 am

These are the rules "Justified" guild:

1. Structure:
- Guild Master
- Co-Guild Master
- Class Leaders
- Officers
- Memebrs
- Trial

2. Guild Ranks
- Guild ranks will show your progress within the guild, also giving you more respect within the guild as well.
- Your Class Leader will be responsible for promoting and demoting players of his own class.
- During the raid. If you should have any problems with anyone in the raid or with how something is been done, notify your Class Leader and ask him to make further investigation regarding the issue with other officers.

- Your reaction within the raids will be watched by all Raid Leader.
. 1. How many times you need to be told to do something before doing it.
. 2. Your response on RL/CL commands.
. 3. Sleeping during the raids or not doing your job.
. 4. AFK’ing without giving notice to your CL and RL etc.
. 5. General attitude in the raid toward the hard times and other members.
These are the things that class leaders and especially raid leader will be monitoring. Players causing same problems over and over again during the raid without improving themselves will start getting warnings and eventually get demoted as well.

- Important: Class Leaders, need to be able to tell their class what to do without their class members giving them attitude. This means, when your CL tells you to do something during the raid, just F***ing do it! Don’t start the 2 hours discussion in your class channel with why o’ why? or whatever! This matters especially during the wipes, when everyone is tired, the last thing we need is people not listening to their class leader.
Yes! It can be annoying, you can get frustrated, you can get pissed, but learn to F***ing put it aside and try to do what you are being told to do.

3. General guild rules:
- Members are required to be active on the Forum and on the Class forums on our website.
- Members must have good manners and treat other guildies and new members with respect as well as non-guildies.
- Everyone is expected to show good guild morale and try to help other guildies when and if they need help with something.
- Everyone can come up with suggestions for improvement of things that our guild does. These suggestions you can write on our Guild Forum.
- Any complains regarding guild issues or feeling that you have been left out need to be directed to the Class Leaders.
- Every week Class Leaders will report to the Co-GM and GM regarding their class.

- Violations in the guild rules will result in warning. If you continue to break the guild rules will end in removal from the guild.
- You will be explained the reason why you have the warning status.
- Your status will be discussed during the Class Leader / GM weekly meetings.
While you have warning status, your behavior will be monitored by the officers. If you continue to cause problems during this period it will may end in removing you from the guild.

Posts : 54
Join date : 2007-12-21


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