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Druid Apply

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Druid Apply Empty Druid Apply

Post  Darkys Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:34 am

Hello all,before i start answering your questions i wanna explain you something.I had a level 70 druid in executus witch i gave to a friend when i took a break from wow for about 4-5 months.When i wanted to come back he wouldn't give my account back so i had to buy a new account and start allover again.I came to LB cause i had a RL friend to help me here.
1. Character name and lvl:
name is Darkys and am lvl 63.Am leveling fast enough ,atm got 4 days played and speed leveling to 70
2. Class and Race:
Tauren Druid
3. IRL age and location?
17 years old and living in Cyprus
4. Talentbuild and Gear(Armory link/CTprofile):
Am feral atm so i can level fast enough ,no point to link u my gear since it changes all time ,ill do it when am 70 i guess Smile
5. Former guild(s) and reason for leaving?.
Atm am in Gief booze and its a leveling guild ,in there for fun but i wanna go hardcore again once i go 70 so ill be leaving for the raids i guess
6. Why would you like to join Justified and what can you contribute with?
Would like to join Justified cause i heard u got some skilled players and its a promising guild.Well i can bring you a druid that can play hes class in each specc u need.An 100% active player with alot of free time.
7. On what days can you raid? (19-23) and how many days a week do you intend to be raidactive?
Ive always been 100% active to all my guilds and i play everyday almost all time Smile
8. Is it a problem for you to farm Pots/Food Buffs/Flasks etc.?
Am herbalist so i can farm the herbs easy Smile so i dont mind
9. What kind of experience have you got, pre-tbc and in tbc.
pre-bc=Cleared every instance in game. tbc=Kara all bosses,gruul both bosses and mag also the giant boss in SSC(Cant remember the name cause its been a long time ) Smile
10. Are you attuned to Karazhan, Mount Hyjal or Black Temple? If not, how far are you?
Once i hit 70 am hopping to be on the last part of karazhan.Most of the attuned quests will be removed but ill started asap anw
11. Have you got Ventrilo 3.0.0 and know how it works?
Yes ofc
12. Have you got a microphone that works?
yes ofc
12. Have you got any resistance gear we should know about?
Nop :/
13. Tell us about yourself (occupation, school, interests etc.)
Well am 17 yo and i live in Cyprus(near greece for u who dont know where it is Smile ) my IRL name is Christos and am at last year in School.
14. Can your character craft or make anything special (professions etc.)
Am enchanter so ill be able to enchant the guild if needed Smile
15. Tell us a really funny joke ^^
A drunk person leave's the pub at night and starts going home, while going home he found a grandma in black cloths..He starts beating her up for about 1 hours.When he stops he says to her "I thought u were tougher...BATMAN!" ;o Razz
16. Anything else you'd like to add?
Yes,am not asking u for an invite now,just hoping that when i hit 70 IF u have a spot u might consider me

Thanks for you time


Posts : 2
Join date : 2008-02-21

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Druid Apply Empty Re: Druid Apply

Post  Darkys Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:24 am



Posts : 2
Join date : 2008-02-21

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