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70 Rogue Application.

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70 Rogue Application. Empty 70 Rogue Application.

Post  Bunz Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:40 pm

Hey, I know it says your full but just giving it a shot anyway.

1. Character name and lvl:
My character is called Bunz and its level 70.

2. Class and Race:
Troll rogue.

3. IRL age and location?
Im 17 and Im currently living in England.

4. Talentbuild and Gear(Armory link/CTprofile):
Combat Daggers: 16/41/4

5. Former guild(s) and reason for leaving?.
I was on this realm before but I migrated and just came back and I was in 3 main guilds. I was in a guild called Smash where I got most of my gear and where I learnt the game the most. I failed my trial for this guild which ill be honest about, I was inactive and was slacking a bit because I was having alot fo exams which means I was tired. The second guild I joined was archaic order which I left only after a few weeks because the guild wasn't for me and some rules were a bit false e.g 30g a week to gain dkp, basically to pay for tanks repairs. The final guild that i aws in was bloodoath but this was where I migrated to Stormscale to do some PvP.

6. Why would you like to join Justified and what can you contribute with?
I wanna join you guys because you've got decent raid progress which is where I left PvE at which was Kael and Vash'j. The second reason why I want to join you guys is because I usually raid in the evenings as a chillout from a day at college and your raid times fit perfectly in with my college timetable and the work that I have to do.
I can contribute to the raid with dps since im a rogue and I can help out alot of people if Im not busy as long as its helping out members or benefiting the guild as a whole.

7. On what days can you raid? (19-23) and how many days a week do you intend to be raidactive?
I can raid from those times no problem. I can raid the usual days wednesday, thursday, sunday, monday and tuesday. If im on a friday or saturday night, I can raid if the guild is or im just either pvp'in or farming stuff.

8. Is it a problem for you to farm Pots/Food Buffs/Flasks etc.?
Nope, I usually have alot of gold from daily's so I have no problem getting pots.

9. What kind of experience have you got, pre-tbc and in tbc.
I only dinged 60 the decemeber before BC came out but I cleared ZG and got upto Garr in MC. But most of my experience is in TBC, ive cleared: Karazhan, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC upto Vash'j and TK upto Kael.

10. Are you attuned to Karazhan, Mount Hyjal or Black Temple? If not, how far are you?
Yes im attuned to karazhan. I just need the vials for Mount Hyjal and I need to speak to the MPC in SSC.

11. Have you got Ventrilo 3.0.0 and know how it works?
Yep I do.

12. Have you got a microphone that works?
Yep I do.

12. Have you got any resistance gear we should know about?
I dont have any at the moment but if I need to get some for a boss that we are going to take down, I can farm some right away.

13. Tell us about yourself (occupation, school, interests etc.)
Well, My names Jon, Im currently at College studying the public services, which is the marines, army, navy, police and fire service. I play football and badminton in my spare time. I like going ot the cinema with friends, parties and the occassional drink : )

14. Can your character craft or make anything special (professions etc.)
Not really no, my professions are leatherworking and skinning but if people need things farming e.g. Knothide Leather, I can farm some of it for them.

15. Tell us a really funny joke ^^
I haven't got any : (

16. Anything else you'd like to add?
Nope not really, thanks for reading my application Smile


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70 Rogue Application. Empty Re: 70 Rogue Application.

Post  Nerzyl Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:23 pm

you typo'd npc..

but its nice to see you apply for this guild, would atleast give us another rogue that actually knows how to play his/her/its class Smile

ya got my vote Suspect


Posts : 3
Join date : 2008-02-14
Age : 37

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70 Rogue Application. Empty RE : Rogue

Post  Grantsback Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:18 am

I like ur application , i like the fact that you are honest about yourself. we could really use a rogue like you but final decision is up to Morcai.

Posts : 54
Join date : 2007-12-21


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